This page last changed on Jan 10, 2006 by rossmason.

The rmi connector can be used to send and receive mule events over jrmp.
*However, currently only dispatcher operation is being implemented

Rmi Connector Properties

Property Description Default Required
securityPolicy The security policy file to be used   Yes


Rmi endpoints are described as socket-based endpoints in the form of -


Using Rmi Connector

TODO incomplete usage guide

For a dispatcher:

For a given endpoint (outbound), several info will have to be written in the uri (uri path and parameter) :

  • registry host
  • registry port
  • service name (jndi object name)
  • remote method name

these values will be used to establish dispatcher connection.

<endpoint address="rmi://localhost:1099/SomeService?method=remoteMethod">

If remoteMethod can take 1 or more input arguments then they should be configured on the endpoint as list properties.

    <list name="methodArgumentTypes">
        <entry value="java.lang.String"/>
        <entry value="java.lang.String"/>


There are no specific transformers for Rmi at the moment.

Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27